Supertails: Pet Care

Supertails: Unleashing 2.5x Offer Redemption Surge


In the highly competitive petcare market, SuperTails stands as a distinguished ecommerce store, offering a diverse range of affordable pet products, from food and toys to health and care essentials. Operating in an industry where innovation is crucial, SuperTails recognized the necessity to capture user attention through meaningful, engaging, and unique ideas.


In the dynamic digital landscape, where each extra minute spent on a website holds the potential to significantly impact conversion rates, SuperTails set out to maximize user engagement. Recognizing the alarming statistic that 47% of website visitors exit within the first 2 seconds, SuperTails emphasized the potential loss of advertising investments and aimed to counteract this trend.

SuperTails, keen on exploring gamified marketing, partnered with Rhym to inject a sense of fun and interactivity into their online presence. Their understanding of the critical need to capture and retain visitor attention, led to the incorporation of gamified experiences, becoming a monthly staple in their marketing strategy. They keep rotating new games almost every month facilitated by the smooth and fast experience provided by Rhym's editor to enhance the engagement rate and hence drive conversions.


The gamified campaigns proved to be a game-changer, resulting in a remarkable 2x lift in offers redemption rates. The shift from conventional pop-ups to gamified content provided users with a sense of achievement upon winning exciting offers which motivated them to instantly redeem offers through purchases, creating a win-win scenario for both SuperTails and their customers. Due to these phenomenal results, gamified marketing content has become an integral part of SuperTails' monthly marketing strategies. This success story showcases SuperTails' confidence in gamified marketing as a go-to solution, delivering not just engagement but also boosting sales. Visitors now enjoy a fulfilling experience, clicking on brand-immersive games, earning rewards, and actively engaging with SuperTails' content.

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