Jigsaw Puzzle

Sample Game Link

Video Tutorial - Link


Jigsaw Puzzle is a classic game that invites players to piece together an image within 45seconds, capturing attention through its challenging yet satisfying gameplay. This interactive format provides an excellent opportunity to showcase your brand's imagery, offering active attention & engagement in a memorable way.

Edit Game

  • Click game specific elements on the canvas to edit

    • Game Specific Elements - The Puzzle image in the middle

    • Upload your own or choose from the library

    • Follow suggested dimensions shown during upload

    • These are static elements which you cannot drag or resize as it would impact game mechanics

  • Click the canvas background to edit

    • Add, edit, or delete graphics as needed

Introduction Screen (Optional)

You can also add a starting instruction or context screen before the game starts. Instructions are typically required as the games on Rhym are either instantly familiar or have an intuitive, instant learning curve. This screen can only be added in the beginning

Add End Screen with Offers & Call-to-Action

After interacting with a highly engaging, brand immerive gamified campaign, users often experience heightened positive emotions & a sense of accomplishment. Capitalize on this strong sentiment by providing offers basis performance & also specific calls-to-action to drive traffic & sales

Add Lead Form (Optional)

Users are 2-3X more likely to share first-party data like email or phone numbers after an engaging and rewarding brand experience. To add a lead capture screen, go to the "Advanced Screen" tab on the left & select "Lead Form"

If you have any queries or trouble around editing text, background or images, check here

Last updated