Product Recommendation: Result Screen Logic

Add Product Recommendations

After framing your questions, navigate downward to the "Product Recommendation Screen" section. Here, you can establish the logic dictating which products get recommended based on quiz answers.

In the above example of Product Recommendation Quiz, we have two questions added -

  1. "What's your monthly income?"

    1. Less than 4k

    2. 4k to 8k

    3. More than 8k

  2. "What's your credit score?"

    1. Less than 500

    2. 500-700

    3. More than 700

Also we can see we have added a product card of "ABCD" Credit card.

We have to check the answer type for which we want a user to be recommended the "ABCD Credit card"

For example- According to the question and answer, let's say the "ABCD" credit card is suitable best for people who will have their-

  1. Income- More than 8k

  2. Credit Score- between 500-700

Accordingly, we need to fix this logic shown in the right hand side panel. Please refer to the screenshot below

Please Note: If the person taking the above quiz selects "More than 8k" in the first question and selects "Less than 500" or "More than 700"- the ABCD Card will not be shown. As the logic is "and" and not "or". In simple words the product outcome works with exact match. User would have to fulfil both the logic to get the recommendation of "ABCD Credit Card"

Also, if a user selects certain options to which there is no assigned product card, he will see a blank screen. Therefore, its advisable to set the logics perfectly and avoid any misses to provide a good campaign experience

Let's now discuss on how you can add new product recommendations card, delete, clone etc. You just need to hover over the card, to get all the 3 options available to you-

  1. Add card- Let's you add a blank new card

  2. Delete card- Let's you delete that product card

  3. Clone card- Let's you duplicate the product card added, helps in cases where you want to use some specific font, color, border style of the CTA button

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