Publish on Website: As a Floating Widget or Embed Code

Did you know, 47% of website visitors leave within the first 2s?

The Solution?

Engage them instantly with interactive, gamified widgets on your site. Imagine visitors clicking on a fun, brand immersive game, earning rewards, & enjoying a fulfilling experience that not only delivers quality engagement but also boosts your sales. Fantastic, isn't it?

Websites have emerged as one of the top platforms for brands to integrate interactive & gamified content, drive engagement, conversions, & gather user data.

There are primarily two popular ways of adding these fun and engaging games on the Websites:

Floating Widget:

  1. Once you're all set and done editing and customizing the Campaign, click on "Publish" on top right of the Editor

  1. Go to the "Website Widget" option

  1. Copy and Paste the code into your CMS, other website-building tool, or wherever HTML can be added. Once added, you will see the widget is added on the bottom right corner of your site with a predesigned image like this:

  2. You could also customize the widget image and position by clicking on "Customize"

  1. Follow the instructions and upload a "custom icon", set the "position" and click on "Save". For example: Here I've uploaded a custom icon and placed it on bottom left corner

  1. Once you Save your custom icon for the widget, the code automatically gets updated. You can simply copy and paste the code.

  2. Please note: The code provided for each campaign differs. If you wish to change the campaign that is published on your website, you need to follow the same steps and paste the new code provided for your new campaign.


Embed Code/ iFrame:

  1. Once you're all set and done editing and customizing the Campaign, click on "Publish" on top right of the Editor

  1. Go to the "Website" option. Simply Copy & Paste the code on your website-building tool to get the campaign live on your site!

  2. If your site or LMS doesn't support scripts you may also Copy & Paste the alternative iframe code

  1. Please note: The code provided for each campaign differs. If you wish to change the campaign that is published on your website, you need to follow the same steps and paste the new code provided for your new campaign.

Last updated